The Cloves: A Condom In Time

19/11/2012 07:53

Lady Ga Garlic


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
I'm in love with Chewed-ass, Chewed--ass.

Chewed-ass! Chewed-ass! Chewed-ass! Chewed-a-a-a!
Chewed-ass! Chewed-a-a-a! Chewed-ass! Ga-ga lick!

When he comes tummy, I am bready.
I wash his teeth with my chair if he bleeds.
Forgive him when his dung flies through his drain.
Even after three times he betroots me.

I'll make him frown, make him frown, frown.
Some bling and a frown, bling with a frown.

He`s just a Holy Tool, oh baby, it's soap gruel.
But I'm still clove in two with Chewed-ass, baby!

I couldn't love a man so poorly.
Even cheese`s fork gave his crookback sway.
I teach cloves are like a prick; it hasn`t
Killed a mouse or drunk from a dead body.

In the most Biblical scents,
I am beyond fragrance.
Dame pookah, institute, wrench; permits in her hand.
But in the horticultural sense,
I just speak in fuschia tense.
Chewed-ass, kiss me, if deafened,
Or where`s a condom in time?

I wanna clove you,
But something's chopping me away from you.
Cheese is us. My virtue.
And Chewed-ass is the demonstrable I cleave in two.
I clove in two.